Advice from Ivy Lee

The New Year is the closest thing there is in life to a “do-over.” It’s a fresh start. A bright beginning. I know of no other time in the year that offers more promise and promises. Benjamin Franklin put it this way: “Be at war with your vices, at peace with your...
Bad Things

Bad Things

Bad things happen to all of us. No one in this world is exempt from setbacks. At work, a setback could be the loss of a key employee or executive or valuable client, a partner dispute or even being forced to sell off the family business. The list, unfortunately, is...
Getting Better Will Be Painful

Getting Better Will Be Painful

I’m in the business of helping people do what they do better. Simply put: I’m in the people-development business at all levels of an organization. I’ve been fortunate to have coached executives, family-business leaders, professionals and salespeople who have achieved...
Serving Two Gods

Serving Two Gods

Part of our business coaching service involves advising people on any number of things. Sometimes I have people who are not necessarily in my programs call and want to meet with me for some advice. Most of these people are friends or friends of friends or friends of...

The Edger Principle

I’ve always loved “yard work,” which is what we called lawn maintenance back when I was growing up in Macon, Georgia. I find much joy and satisfaction in the immediate gratification that comes from taking a yard that needs grooming and then, a mere few hours later,...

Do Overs and Second Chances

In real life, regarding important things or practically anything, “do overs” are few and very far between—if at all. Usually, you don’t have a second chance to get something right. For the most part, you either get it right, partially right or just flat wrong on your...